Pledge the actions you are going to take to Be the Change and Build Civic Engagement below!
Choose local first, lower your carbon footprint and support our business community
Create public art for public good, educate yourself on an issue area and get friends to join
Volunteer in the community, and/or donate to local organizations and causes
Get educated on local and national issues and get out and vote your conscious
Write a letter, call your representative, or join a protest
Contact someone you know who is interested in a similar issue to explore how you might be able to work together
Engage in deep listening to someone who doesn’t agree with you to understand their perspective
Want to go the extra mile? Sign up for these advanced actions:
Speak at a public meeting, help increase voter engagement, or run for office, a commission seat or Board of Director position
Join DAO Civic Engagement Corps and commit to taking action and show up for the issues over the next 6 months
Check your inbox for updates on this campaign.